Sunday, June 12, 2011

A Selah Sunday

In making more of an effort to live each day with hubby and I decided to make Sundays our Selah Sundays.

As parents, we feel as though every day is inventory day. What needs to change? What can we do to live our lives for Christ? How is is that we are influencing our children? Most evenings I think about what I need to do differently the next day. Days get hectic and it can become easy to fill our days with things that really don't have any eternal weight whatsoever. It is sooo easy to get buried by things we consider to be "urgent" that we don't take the time to be silent and to really worship GOD!

"King David proclaimed: 'The Lord of hosts, He is the King of glory' {Psalm24:10} The word SELAH was later added to the end of this psalm and many others. Some believe it refers to an instrumental interlude because the psalms were often set to music. Biblical scholars also suggest other possible meanings, including {silence}, {pause}, {interruption}, {accentuate}, {exalt}, or {end}."

We decided that Sundays are going to be our SELAH SUNDAYS...a day to actively take time together as a family...on as many Sundays as possible...whether we are just the four of us, with friends or with family to pause from our "schedules" and be refreshed in spirit {Psalm 42:1-2}

"Accentuate the joy of God's provision through Thanksgiving {Psalm 65:9-13}"

"Exalt the name of God for answered prayer in spite of disappointment {Psalm 40:1-3}"

"End the day reflecting on the Lord's faithfulness {Psalm119:148}"

*Adapted from and quotes from Our Daily Bread

Today we:

Celebrated my two nieces getting baptized...

Celebrated the graduation of a dear student I taught many years ago...

Celebrated the job promotion of my hubby's close friend who is moving to Colorado with his family...

Celebrated being together as a family minus one very barky, naughty little dappled dachsund doggie!

Our time in the car today was sweet...just being together as a family and having the priviledge of fun stories, memories, talks about the summer...seeing God's handiwork as we drove through the country...taking in the old barns, the fields of flowers and cows, the vineyards and the distant hills...knowing all the while that it is our Heavenly Father who has blessed us abundantly.

Tonight, we will be reflecting on God's faithfulness as we kiss our Lauriss goodnight knowing she leaves tomorrow for KAZAKHSTAN to teach English in an HER!

Thank you, Lord for our Selah Sunday!

Shared with: a holy experience, our simple country life


  1. That sounds so nice. A Selah Sunday. I hope Kara reads this... I thought about her too when Pastor Scott said a couple of times that he wanted us to pause... and reflect. Selah.

  2. Becky...I decided on this weeks ago and we were at my brother's church this I am curious.

  3. What a great way to refresh our hearts and spirits:) Thanks for sharing!
    Faith on Fire

  4. Thanks so much for sharing! I think it's very important for families to do this.

    I have a dear friend that lives in ATL. Her father-in-law has gone to Kazakhstan a couple of years for 6-8 months to teach. Amazing! Best wishes for Lauriss and safe travels ~


  5. Missed this...just "randomly" wandering your site tonight...made me teary.
    Selah--"to pause and value"...
    I love this.
    A Selah Sunday.
