Over the past few days, the unexpected blog break gave me time to think about so much.
I love my family beyond words and I love my friends and you all know how much I love to bake, entertain and nest my days away, but that is absolutely
not what defines
who I am. I AM God's beloved daughter who loves me just for who I am. Not for the few things I think I do well at...not for
what I do...He loves me because I am HIS!
Sitting in a Mom's mentoring group this morning, our table conversation was quite startling. At first I felt myself a bit baffled at how some of these young Mommas felt, but my hubby and I have had THE.SAME.EXACT. conversation!
With the way things are today...there is the illusion that somehow we are the ONLY imperfect one out there. Everybody else seems to have well-behaved children, wonderful hubbies, beautiful homes, heat pumps that never go out, healthy bodies that are strong and viable, kitchen sinks that don't leak and ruin the new wood floor etc. I am telling you, it isn't TRUE. All I can say is this: I am so glad we didn't have cell phones, computers, and especially the web and facebook when we were raising little ones because I KNOW I would have been paralyzed with what to do, how to do it and plain old jealousy and discontent. Living way out in the country, we were just content and happy for the mornings when my car was returned to us in the mornings! {It was routinely "borrowed" at night! DON'T ASK!!}
OKAY. SO, over the past few days and then with having listened to the Momma's this morning and my heart-aching for one of my children...I had to reign it in BIG TIME!
I just had to take a look at what it is I am doing, how I come across, but more than anything I have been reminded I need God's help. I need Him more now than ever. Half of the time I feel like a broken record asking for the same things, and questioning Him as to WHY????
I am so sorry this is all over the place. You may want to stop reading for now and come back!
Back in September, I read this and wanted to share it, but I ended up waiting until now. BUT it has given me so much comfort over the past few months.
To me, there is very little in life that is more soothing to my soul than listening to old hymns. They can make me cry because they are so TRUE and can put life into perspective the minute you start listening to them!
Here is a reading from OUR DAILY BREAD "The word EBENEZER in the hymn "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing" refers to a time when the people of Israel were trying to regain the close relationship they once had with God. Their spiritual leader, Samuel, told them that if they would abandon their foreign gods and return to the Lord wholeheartedly, He would deliver them from being oppressed by their enemy, the Philistines {I SAMUEL 7:2-3}
When the people turned from their sin, God gave them victory. In response, 'Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Shen, and called its name EBENEZER, saying, THUS FAR THE LORD HAS HELPED US..."
"When we sing, 'Here I raise my Ebenezer; hither by Thy help I've come; and I hope, by Thy good pleasure, safely to arrive at home,' we are reminded that in our times of need we can ALWAYS turn to God to find forgiveness and help. Whatever we have done, wherever we have wandered, HE WILL RESTORE US BY HIS GRACE." David McCasland
WHAT a beautiful reminder that by God's help we have come this far in life and He will be faithful to the end...which is really the beginning of ETERNITY. {paraphrased}
Since we all know I have major problems staying focused and can get so distracted with things that are sooo not important...I printed a sign and wanted to display it to remind our family of God's unfailing faithfulness. The only thing I could find was a frame with an old family prayer letter photo from the 70's. As I started to take it out...it was sandwiched between two thin pieces of glass to protect it...I felt God was giving me another vivid reminder that HE
has helped us and HE HAS protected our family. Even though we have had major tough times, years of pain, loss of loved ones, and everything else like everybody else...His "streams of mercy have never ceased."
I decided to leave the picture under "EBENEZER" and sandwiched my documents back between the glass. Every time I see the sign I will know that no matter how I feel, who I have let down or failed, the minute I have NO idea what to do...I want "my heart to be tuned to sing of GOD's GRACE"!
May you be overwhelmed by HIS grace toward YOU!