Good morning, good morning, good's time to rise and shine!!
"The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they display knowledge.
There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard..." PSALM 19
This is what I was reading this morning and I just had to share it with you. Isn't it beautiful? If you are trying to get going and are having having a tough morning,and feeling like it is just another mundane sure puts things into perspective.
Here is a challenge for your day...I know it will be difficult for me to attempt, but here it is:
"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord my Rock and my REDEEMER."
What an AMAZING GOD who not only can handle us, but all of our petty, nitty gritty problems as well...and with HIS grace and compassion that is just right for what we need!!!
...another oldie...
Hope you all had a great weekend! I woke up this morning and decided I am going to try to have a better attitude toward my MUNDANE MONDAY after last Monday!!! I know it sounds a bit "Pollyanna-ish"...but at least I have a family that lives life and makes messes and at least they help clean up, too. And As far as clean sheet Monday goes, at least my hubby and I have a king-sized bed that we can sleep in and cuddle the kiddies and little dappled doggie on chilly Autumn evenings! Even though a little bed with little sheets and, blankets and feather-tick would be OH.SO.MUCH.EASIER to launder! Today, when I was shoving the blankets into the machine with ALL MY MIGHT I kept reminding myself of the benefits of a BIG BED!
Enough about that! No more Mundane Monday Blah.Blah.Blah!
Let's chat about pumpkins! I can not wait to go buy white pumpkins this afternoon. They will get lettered and stenciled later. Do you like white pumpkins?
It is really feeling Autumny here. This weekend was warm, but there was a chill in the air this morning. It felt so fresh.
Maybe you would like to add to your pumpkin is one that will make your home smell like HOME
Chocolate Pumpkin Cinnamon Rolls
Lisa Pearson
Please read through all instructions first :}
¼ cup water
1 Tbsp. yeast
½ cup milk, scalded
¼ cup organic sugar
¼ cup unsalted butter (plus an additional 1/4 cup for the filling!)
1 tsp. sea salt
¼ tsp. cinnamon
½ tsp. nutmeg
¾ cup pure pumpkin {no spices added}
1 Tbsp. soy flour or
5 to 6 cups flour...depending on how much you cram into the measuring cup!
In bowl of stand mixer, combine warm water and yeast.
In 2 cup measuring cup, scald milk in microwave.
Add sugar, butter, salt, cinnamon and nutmeg. Stir.
Pour milk mixture in with yeast mixture.
Add pumpkin and soy flour.
Using dough hook, turn on machine and add flour gradually.
Mix until dough all comes together.
Remove dough from bowl and grease bowl.
Place dough in greased bowl and cover. Let rise for 1 hour.
On Roulpat or floured surface, roll dough out into a rectangle.
The Nitty Gritty:
Spread with ¼ cup unsalted butter, room temp.
Sprinkle with SUGAR MIX {1 cup brown sugar, 2 Tbsp. cinnamon, ½ tsp. nutmeg}
Sprinkle with ½ cup semisweet chocolate chips.{OPTIONAL}
Roll up like a bug in a rug. Pinch seam together.
Cut in 1 ½ inch intervals. Place in prepared pan.
I get about 12 and put mine in two 9 inch Demarle Sponge Molds.
{You may place them in a 9x13 or in two pie plates}
Cover and let rest for about 20 minutes
Bake at 350* for 20 minutes.
Remove from oven and let sit for a few minutes.
Drizzle with glaze.
Serve while warm!
2 cups powdered sugar
4 Tbsp. milk, half and half or whipping cream, baby formula {just Kidding!} even water will work!
1 tsp. pure vanilla extract
Stir until drizzly.
Variation: These may be made into dinner rolls. By using the dough and rolling them into golf-ball sized rolls. Let rise until poofy and follow the same directions for baking. Just skip the filling and the glaze Such an unexpected treat for an Autumn dinner!
Now, unless you are having company over, be sure to bundle a few up and deliver them to neighbors, friends or the homeless. So many times we give our leftovers to people who we think don't really care...but it goes against our natural instincts to give of our very best to those who are in need of knowing that they Do matter and they are important! I assure you, if you have someone on a street corner, needing some extra them your BEST will be just what the Dr. ordered for them and for YOU, too. You may want to have your kiddies help you make a few packages up and have them deliver them with you! It is a great lesson in teaching them that everybody should be treated with love and respect despite the outward appearance!
I used a piece of Kabnet Wax paper on the bottom of the BIO box and one on top to help keep the cinnamon rolls as fresh as possible!
Now...think of someone you may be able to BLESS!
Shared with my friend Yvonne at Stone Gable
I so wish I lived near you! Near enough to have coffee or tea and enjoy the goodies. :)
ReplyDeleteHave missed you...I'm trying to get back on track as far as visiting and commenting. We've finally had a bit of fall like weather in TX. We have such a short window...have to make the most of every moment!
Hope you and your family are well and happy ~
Love * blessings,
P.S. As much as my family loves cinnamon rolls and pumpkin and chocolate ~ this will be a winner for sure! :)
ReplyDeleteI am blessed by the wonderful scripture you shared! I love to think of the leaves waving praises to the Lord... and waterfalls spilling over with HIS glory... and grass growing all to show the world who God is!!!!
ReplyDeleteI am also blessed by your fabulous pumpkin cinnamon rolls... and I am blessed by you!!! Love you!