Photo Credit: Thank you,
Kim for the adventure and for sharing your incredible talent...you are the dearest of friends!
As a child, our home was always filled with soldiers. Some very young. Some much older. But I
do remember the excitement that filled our home days before the soldiers would arrive to share THANKSGIVING dinner with our family.
My momma would enlist the help of friends to prepare for the BIG day. Shopping in our little town would be made as strangers would stare at the tiny carts filled with groceries. The fridge and freezer and pantry would be cleared out to make room for dinner staples. Fresh potatoes from neighbors would fill the cellar and nuts to crack were always placed in bowls. No such thing as a bowl of ready-to-eat nuts! It was so fun to sit and try to crack nuts while talking to soldiers...and if for some reason there was a hard one to crack, they were willing to use their strong hands to help!
Amongst everything else that needed to be prepped, there was always lots of laundry. Piles and piles, to be exact! Beds were made and quilts were fresh for those who would be joining us for the long weekend.
Not one Thanksgiving goes by without my heart breaking for those who are so far away from HOME and for those soldiers who risk their lives for those of us who are blessed to be with family and friends.
This past Sunday as I sat in church desperately trying to catch up with what our pastor was teaching on, I found myself doing chicken scratch on my piece of paper. No penmanship. Just plain ol' scribbles.
We were talking about Psalm 92. I do love this Psalm so.so much. We are to proclaim His love in the morning and to declare His faithfulness at night. I do pray that the soldiers who are so far far away from home this THANKSGIVING will be able to feel God's love for them as they wake...wherever they are in the world, and as the day comes to a close that they will know without a shadow of any doubt that it is God's faithfulness that has given them another day of life.
For those of you who will be celebrating without your loved ones this year, know that it is God who will be your shelter and who has his ear bent to your aching heart.
"Hear my CRY, O God; attend unto my prayer. From the end of the earth will I cry unto you, when my heart is overwhelmed. Lead me to the rock that is higher than I. For you have been a shelter for me, and a strong tower from the enemy." Psalm 61:1-3
{As I was reflecting over this past year, I decided to re-post this post. We have prayed for this young soldier and are reminded every day of those who will be celebrating the holidays with heavy hearts and empty seats...our love pours out to YOU!}
Today is one of those days I would rather just post a recipe and call it good, but by now we are all friends and we can just chat about things...
If you are a Momma you will be able to relate and for those of you who don't have children maybe you will understand how things may have been or how things are for your Momma.
Nothing quite tugs at your heart as much as watching your child cry and not be able to say anything that will help or be able to soothe them. When they are babies, it seems to be a bit easier to offer a favorite blankie, toy or binky...but the older they get...it seems to be silence and the act of pulling them close to your heart, kissing their forehead and running your hands through their hair and out of their teary eyes. NOTHING ELSE.
This morning we took David, Rissa's boyfriend, to Seattle. He is leaving to serve in South Korea for 12-18 months. He has become such a part of our family and is one special young man.
We love him!
Sometimes it is so easy to question God. Seriously, who am I to think I know better! But it's true. I question Him all.of.the.time. Like...what on earth is a 19 year-old doing so far away from home? I was looking at some pictures from David's class and thinking to myself, "those little boys should be HOME...not off fighting a war!" But I thank God that those boys are as unselfish as they are and are willing to fight whatever the risk may be...and I also think what amazing Mommas brought up those young, strong boys, and if they didn't have Mommas who took care of them and taught them...maybe they were brought up to be courageous men by a single Dad, grandparents, foster care, other family members etc...but I just hope and pray they had some kind of affection and love in growing up to be able to fall back on when they are out at war fighting! Do you ever think of things like that???
As we said goodbye, Rissa's eyes filled with tears, there was not much to say. I am praying that tonight will not be a sleepless night filled with worry but that God will comfort her and that she will know that David's plane is in the grip of God's hand and that every move and step David takes...God will envelope him and keep him and the other soldiers safe and out of harm's way. I am praying that shelter will be provided for them. Not so much in the form of the four walls of barracks...but that these soldiers would be given others who might take care for them and nurture them along the way!
I pray that David, as a man of God, will be able to continue to LIVE out John 13:34 and 35. "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love one to another." I pray that he will be able to carry out
THAT love. I pray that he will be able to stand strong and continue to demonstrate God's love to fellow soldiers and possibly at times his enemies. That he will be able to love the unlovely and care for those around him even when nobody seems to be caring for him and that he will be comforted by the very words of God.
I pray that David and Rissa will have lots of times to LAUGH. Fun times to look back on and even more memories to look forward to.
I pray that God will bring him home safely and that they will be able to be best of friends!
As a Momma, I pray that I will keep praise on my lips and be able to trust the fact that God is in control. No amount of worry, no amount of fear is going to change anything.
Today as we traveled North, I saw a hint of a rainbow off in the distance. It was misting...and within seconds...the sky grew dark and then it began to POUR, but the rainbow quickly became brighter and the colors were VIVID in the distance and a second rainbow suddenly reflected the arch of color across the sky. HOW appropriate! As we are at our darkest times of sorrow, possibly at our point of breaking and feeling completely overwhelmed...His promises have never failed and never will. Riss, how good is God to give us such an incredible reminder!

"Hear my CRY, O God; attend unto my prayer. From the end of the earth will I cry unto you, when my heart is overwhelmed. Lead me to the rock that is higher than I. For you have been a shelter for me, and a strong tower from the enemy." Psalm 61:1-3
...David, we are counting the days and praying that you will arrive safely HOME to those of us who LOVE you OH.SO.MUCH and are so THANKFUL for your service to your Country!
The Pearson Family