We ALL know who Martha Stewart is. I love her and I love how she does things. However, I have to remind myself that she has a lot of help and even whole teams working on the simplest of projects. She has a complete warehouse of props...the list goes on. Whether you know who she is, aspire to be like her, or just get discouraged watching her show {I don't even watch it anymore}there is something I want to "chat" about.
As I have been getting e-mails and reading a few blogs, I get the general idea that we are all trying to be perfect. Me included. I love a clean house and I adore clean sheet Monday {hate doing laundry, love clean sheets!} I look forward to making meals for my family and enjoy taking meals to friends. An organized fridge puts a smile on my face, and the feeling of a weed-free lawn and power-washed deck are almost too good to be true!
As I was getting our home ready for our daughter's graduation Open House, I decided there were a few things I wanted to be PERFECT, but I wanted to do an experiment and just let some things go {to see if I would actually still be alive and well to document how shock therapy went!} Obviously, it DID NOT kill me to let some things slide on by! Here is my list of things that did not get done {for those who are still reading} siding and paint on the house, landscaping, power-washing {hubby started and ended up having to take our graduate to the DR}, heaps of laundry, party favors, mini banana cream puddings, fresh whipped cream, homemade brownies, lemon ice rings for the punch etc. etc.
I know my list was long, but we were seriously going to have it all done. Life happens and priorities change and I am glad. It was waaay more important to enjoy our time with our family and friends and to not be a complete control freak. I delegated, let friends help, let my son do a whole lot...the way he wanted to help without micro-managing and it was memorable and sweet!
I am not saying to get all sloppy and totally care-free, but it is so important to set limits and to have realistic expectations and goals! Is is so freeing. It IS LIVING.
I thought I would challenge each one of you to let ONE thing go this week. If your child is asking you to join in puddle jumping... or a water fight...do it! Maybe a friend needs to drop by for a few minutes when it isn't convenient, maybe that fancy dinner needs to wait and quesadillas need to be had, maybe you are already practicing this and you can give me advice!! I am going to post my imperfect pictures and the pretty ones, too. The table,decorations and food were kept relatively simple. Things were all able to be made up ahead of time. It was the little details and our amazing family and friends that made this day a special day we will always remember.
I am so thankful that the God's word is packed with examples of how dear friends blessed one another. How great that the Lord has given us friendships to share in times of sorrow and in times of JOY...and best of all...they do not expect PERFECTION!
"A friend loves at all times." Proverbs 17:17
{re-posted from the archives}
A beautiful and worthy post. Oh if I would have learned this in my younger days. It took me a while to realize the sky would still be up if I let a few things slide. Now I need to work on not letting too many things slide. ha! Love the pictures.
I have such a hard time letting things go. I have done much better now that we have grandkids in and out of the house than I ever did when my own kids were little. I would stay up half the night cleaning just so everything was all done at once! Craziness! xo Diana
ReplyDeleteI am so flattered that you are following my blog; thank you for leaving me such a sweet comment! You are FANTASTIC! I have has so much fun reading through A LOT of your past posts (I really loved your condiment/tea light swing-genius!!) and I just think you are such a wonderful person and am excited to be following your blog so I can learn from you!
Well said! Thanks for reminding us we are human, and often times crew-less, like the wonderful Martha! Here is to mud pies, playing in the rain or whatever pops up that will add some extra fun and memories. Pretty sure we won't remember that load of laundry, or dusting spree. :)
ReplyDeleteGreat post! In a day and age where people rarely invite others into their home, it is even more important as you said to be real... To be relateble and to embrace others. I too, struggle with feeling like the whole house needs to be immaculate when company comes just in case someone wants a tour, ha! Having a baby forced me to relax my expectations in the perfectionism arena, but that's a "Good Thing.". I think the Lord is working on my heart in this area too, as I have also let a few things go when having company over recently. I recently visited the home of my friend who I consider my "domestic guru".... She can do everything!!! Anyway she welcome me into her home and didn't feel the need to apologize for the chaos and mess! I thought-see she is human... And just like me, ha! Let's just be real and lay down the false pretense and just embrace others into our home. Thanks for the reminder. Paula
I did exactly that! The last party we had I was running out of time and didn't think I could get to mopping the wood floors in the kitchen. Now, they weren't nasty dirty, but still I would have liked to have had then freshly mopped. I let it go and no one was the wiser! I may start letting more things go!
ReplyDeletePeople are the most important thing especially the little people. Moments missed are just that moments missed and they are very hard to get back. You are a wonderful person and I know how sincere you are and I would never want to be a Martha Stewart. Have a great day.