Years ago while your Auntie and Mommy were playing, it was decided that whoever had the first baby girl would name her Laurissa...Mommy's name and Auntie's names combined.
Your Daddy just knew you were going to be a girl from the VERY beginning even though we never found out until you were born. He was SO SURE that he bought you the most adorable white t-shirt dress that was sporty, yet girly. It was kind of like a white tank top that was pleated at the waist with a sprinkling of dainty pink roses stitched around the front. He bought it for you months before you were born!
I clearly remember watching the movie "FATHER OF THE BRIDE" shortly after you were born. On the way home, I was crying and told Daddy, " I never want Laurissa to grow up!" We just loved holding you, playing with you...even watching you sleep. Daddy calmed me down, like he always does, and whispered, "Lisa, she is so tiny-we have a long time before we need to worry about that." I feel like I wiped my tears and now here you are a very dear young lady...full of grace and charm and a CHEERFUL spirit...which is exactly what your name means.
Mommy never journaled a lot when I was pregnant with you. I didn't really write down my dreams, my joys, my fears and my hopes for you. I guess that I just wanted to savor every moment. I had so many thoughts I am sure I wouldn't have been able to write them all down anyway. Every thought I had was so real I didn't think I would or could ever forget the feelings I was feeling. As I am writing this letter to you, my little sweet Lauris, some of my memories are as vivid as though they happened yesterday:
Sunday afternoon naps
Afternoon walks on old country roads
Sheer delight in your BIG blue eyes when Daddy came home from work
Your love for Caleb: Crawling into his crib to comfort him
Carmex as hair gel
First snow ice cream runs
Long walks through "BEAR COUNTRY" with Daddy
Rides on Daddy's motorcycle
Your love of family...Nana,Poppi,Oma,Opa,Aunties, Uncles and Cousins!
School carnivals
Surprise lunches
Rainy soccer games
Sunday picnics and walks
Bike rides...with bikes that broke down...a long way from home!
Studying for your driver's permit...Celebrating BIG when you passed!
Long talks
Girl's nights,Christmas programs
I have seen you go from my strong newborn, to a babbling infant, to the busiest toddler, to a very social teenager who is loyal to her friends, and last but not least a daughter who has become my dearest friend.
I am ever touched with your compassionate spirit and your deep love for the Lord. I know things have not always been easy, and there have been a lot of difficult years. I am, however, comforted in the fact that you have learned to depend upon the Lord for your strength when I have not been able to be as strong a mother for you. Thank you for loving me despite my faults and for the unconditional love you shower me with. You, my dear, challenge me when I walk by your room and there you are reading your Bible and praying...NOTHING, absolutely nothing , brings me more joy.
You my dear, are my firstborn with whom I have shared my youth and with whom I will share many more years making memories that have WORTH beyond WORDS!
Happy 18Th Birthday to the SWEETEST BIRTHDAY GIRL! I love you. MOMMY and FRIEND
BEAUTIFUL photo courtesy of Rob Buster Digital Reflection PDX
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