For those of you who really really know me, I am so not into clothes. I have no patience for clothes shopping whatsoever. I would rather sit in a dentist chair and have my teeth drilled at than shop. I love hand-me-downs and for the most part, my hubby and daughter and twinsie are the ones who clothe me.
As I was reading in Colossians today, this was the verse, "Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience" Colossians 3:12.
First of all it is a commandment and it is not something somebody else can do for us. It is something that HAS to be done by us. It isn't easy, but nothing is easy when we are doing it by ourselves and with our own strength. It is something that God is more than happy to help us with!
Well, at the grocery store today {Problem #1}, I decided to really conscientiously apply compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience {Problem #2}!
There is a reason I do not shop the day before the weekend. I was missing my family and I was a hormonal mess!
I am not kidding, by the time I left the grocery store, I thought I was going to have to call my honey home from the station!
This is how the shopping errand went:
*A lady was swearing at her tiny babies
*Two very young girls were shopping alone...I felt so bad for them????
*An elderly man in a wheelchair stopped beside me while I was ordering from the deli and said, "I can't believe what is happening to food prices." He was very sad about it. So, later I wondered if I should have bought his groceries!
*An elderly lady standing behind me with a bottle of wine and a card looked as though it had taken all her energy to make it to the store. I asked if she would like to go in front of me. She was so KIND and GENTLE herself. We had quite the little conversation. She had almost forgotten it was her son's birthday and she was so HAPPY she had remembered. She was an absolute doll. I wanted to take her home with me!
Anyway, it is amazing how God can work in our lives through such little things. I was emotional, but also touched by looking at my errand with a definite purpose in mind. I loved having a homework assignment during spring break!
So, tomorrow morning, I am going to try to remember as I am getting dressed to clothe myself with the same five attributes and just see if I look at things differently...the way God would have me be. The best things about clothing ourselves with kindness, gentleness, humility, patience and compassion is this:
*no shopping required
*it fits into the budget
*no laundering
*no ironing
*it always fits
*always in style
*it can be handed down {MY FAVORITE!!}
*one size fits all
*doesn't take up room in the closet
*AND it wont offend anybody! {Nobody will be reminding me my skirts are too short!}
What will be your favorite attribute to show others TODAY?
In other news:
*It finally dawned on me today to write the name of the spice on my bulk tag today and not JUST the number. Seriously! I am so excited. I have never thought of doing that until today!
*Chocolate Espresso Lava Cakes are the easiest to make ever. I always forget about making them. I guess I made them to many times and got tired of making them. Anyhoo, they are back in the dessert rotation.{Imagine how pretty they will look with a scoop of my hubby's homemade vanilla ice cream down inside the chocolate volcano!

*S&W puts HFCS in their Mexican I have switched to S&W diced tomatoes with spices and chilies for Oma's Salsa and it turned out way better!!
*Back on a cooking with yogurt kick. The little shrimpies are swimming away {marinating} in yogurt, pepitas, cilantro, garlic etc. etc. before they get skewered onto mini skewers tomorrow.
*HAPPY FRUGAL FIND = Mini skewers at Cash and Carry for less than $1.00. Can I tell you how many times I have cut skewers in half!
*I always feel so domesticated when I roast my own peppers as opposed to buying the little can of green chiles. OH! The small pleasures in life!

Aren't they beautiful?
Okay! Enough of my blah.blah.blahing!
So please don't forget to use one or all five attributes tomorrow! I would LOVE to read through some on Saturday!
Happy Happy Thursday!
This post is linked to: THE SATURDAY EVENING BLOG POST at: