Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Old Fashioned Wassail

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2 cans frozen cranberry juice
1 gallon apple cider
1 orange sliced into 8 rings
1 lemon sliced into 4 rings

Spice packet:
6 whole cloves
12 whole allspice cloves
3 cinnamon sticks

Place ingredients in crockpot for at least 4 hours before you plan on serving it. Place 4 orange rings, 2 lemon slices, and spice packet into wassail while preparing drink.

Remove orange slices and lemon slices and replace them with fresh fruit rings right before you serve it. That way it tastes so good, but the fruit isn't falling apart.

I buy cloth spice packages at Cost Plus!


  1. awesome, i will be trying this recipe out in a month!!!!!!! =)

  2. Yum! I was just thinking yesterday about finding a hot drink recipe to have brewing Thanksgiving when guests arrive. Thanks!

    Judy :)
