Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Apple Pickin'

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Every September I am reminded of how thankful I am that the Lord created Seasons for us to enjoy.
As a child, we had just moved from the city of Kaiserslautern out to the little town of Schesslitz. Our new house was much smaller, but it didn't really matter. There was space, lots and lots of space... OUTSIDE. There was a brook that ran down the hill, a castle that we could walk to, bakeries and a bunch of tiny stores. One of my favorite things were the fruit trees in our was almost like having our very own orchard.
Late one afternoon, after having played outside "till dark", we were called in for dinner.
As we walked into the house you could smell the applesauce boiling away in our new kitchen. It smelled so good.
Since everything was still packed...except for a few dishes, pots and pans etc. We enjoyed a fine dinner. No fast food in sight or anywhere close for that matter. Even though I am sure things were crazy and chaotic, my mom made sure that we still had sit-down dinners, even if it meant using a sturdy, brown packing box for our table! It didn't seem to bother us a bit, because even though everything else had changed there were a couple of things that stayed exactly the same. Oh and by the way, as if the butter-yellow plates weren't cheery enough...they were inscribed with the words, "WELCOME HOME". It took but one evening to make our house a home…and that is WHY…last summer in the midst of a home remodel, I climbed over dining room chairs, large Rubbermaid storage containers, couches, floor lamps and everything else that was shoved into the garage ( DIDN’T even think about getting a POD!) just to get to a box that had my industrial-sized IKEA potato masher to make homemade jam out on the deck ! I thought that if my mom could make applesauce for us in the midst of a move, I didn’t have an excuse not to make fresh strawberry jam for my family!

1 comment:

  1. Lisa, I love this! I can just picture your sweet lil family, you guys as kids and your dear Momma and Dad. Thank you for sharing. Yes, it is about moments, feelings, that come together and make such a 'simple memory' a treasured one all these years later! Love ya! Bethany
