Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Praying for Joanne

Since I just recently heard about Joanne and have been praying for this 38-year-old wife to Toben and mommy to Audrey and Emma...I wanted to get to know her a bit better...via her blog, of course.

WOW! My heart has been overwhelmed by reading just a few of her blog entries from before she suffered a major stroke.

Joanne has been married for half her life. She was nineteen when she got married and just recently celebrated her 19th wedding anniversary. The more I read, the more I have been drawn to her...because it seems we have quite a bit in common!

As I was reading a few days ago, I was struck by her memorization of Scripture. She and her two adorable girlies had memorized Psalm 91. They taped themselves reciting it with their little 3x5 cards in hand in case they got stuck...I guess. It brought back memories of the summer our family memorized Psalm 91 when we were young. How good it is to have those words of comfort written in our hearts. As I prayed for Joanne after watching the clip, I could not help but to think that even in her state of being sedated that those very words she memorized with her daughters and the lessons they talked about are going to be words she can now cling to for hope! And what an amazing part of Scripture for those girlies to be able to have memorized in light of what they are having to face without their mom to comfort them!

Today, I pray that Joanne is feeling the shelter of her Most High...that even though today has brought discomfort, that somehow she is finding rest in the shadow of the Almighty...rest under His wings. That paints a blissful picture in my mind!

Please join our family in praying for Joanne and for her sweet family!

Her adoring hubby is doing a great job of posting on her blog if you want to keep up with her already amazing recovery! God is GOOD!

Joanne made these little bird ornaments at Christmas, so I thought I would make one to remind us to pray for her!

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